Well, hello again. You look fantastic.
The tour with Samantha Martin & Sister Down (I would be the "Down") has been going swimmingly. A nicer crew I couldn't ask for.
This tour marks my first time ever performing at house concerts. I've heard many stories, both good and bad, regarding such events. Judging by my experiences on this tour, it appears I am in the throws of a positive experience.
The houses have been lovely, the weather wonderful, and the people, warm and receptive. Each host/hostess have been so kind and generous, not to mention, full of insight and experience on "what to do and what not to do". As common as these points may sound, it's always good to revisit them.
House Concert Do's:
- Be yourself. No one likes a fake.
- Clean up after yourself, or at least offer.
- Engage with people. People want to talk to you. Take the time to appreciate THEIR time and support of your craft. Ask how they're doing. I've found endless inspiration for songs by doing so. House concert attendees are a facinating bunch.
- Inspire the youth. Encourage their creativity. High fives are encouraged.
- Let the hosts know ahead of time of your dietary requirements and specific tastes. Both sides appreciate this.
- Relax. I know sometimes you have to race to the gig due to traffic/late flights, but leave that at the door. Take a 5 before you play if you need it.
- If you stay over at the venue the night before your gig, make your bed. It looks nicer and shows respect.
- Constantly use The Magic Words: please and thank you. These are more valuable than cash.
- Respect each others religious or non-religious beliefs. Debates are cool, but keep it light.
- Send a follow up thank you card or email. Again, classy.
- Smile. Laugh. You, your audience and hosts deserve it.
House Concert Don'ts:
- Don't be an ungrateful self-centered jerk.
You would be surprised at how many travelling musicians forget these simple points. I hope I don't sound preachy. I just want everyone to have enjoyable experiences doing house concerts.
Good luck out there.
I'm in Prince George tonight, and heading to Dawson City, Yukon to meet up with The Beauties and many other friends. I'm really looking forward to this festival. Many musicians I know claim it's Canada's best.